The article places the ministerial resignations in the respective political and historical context, deals with the legal framework of ministerial resignations in German constitutional law, reconstructs the respective processes and, on this basis, attempts to draw conclusions about the respective motives and political calculations of Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel. In this way, the analysis can also be seen as a contribution to government practice and an illumination of the personal political style of these two German heads of government.
Ulrich Schlie, "Das kann man nicht abschütteln. Aber man kann den Blick wieder nach vorne richten.“ – Die Ministerentlassungen von Rudolf Scharping (SPD) im Jahr 2002 und von Norbert Röttgen (CDU) im Jahr 2012 in vergleichender Perspektive, in: Manuel Becker, Volker Kronenberg, Christopher Prinz (Ed.), Rücktritte von politischen Ämtern. Perspektiven auf das Ende von politischen Karrieren, Wiesbaden 2024, pp. 379-390.