To this day, South Korea benefits from the course it set as a country in a "paradigmatic state of development" in the second half of the 20th century. developmental state" in the second half of the 20th century. A strong leadership role of the state in industrial and innovation policy and a focus on education. education are the secrets of Korea's rapid rise among the world's ten largest economies. economies in the world. The country's comparatively high level of digital independence investment, expert technocratic knowledge within its administrative apparatus and a knowledge within its administrative apparatus, and a strong sense of economic and military economic and military self-reliance. South Korea is currently facing the challenges of becoming more innovative in data products, as well as a position in the emerging strategic in the emerging strategic conflict between China and the USA.
13. April 2023
Südkoreas digitale Abhängigkeit: Staatliche Steuerung als Erfolgsrezept Südkoreas digitale Abhängigkeit: Staatliche Steuerung als Erfolgsrezept
Jonas Prinsen
Drawing on the Digital Dependence Index, Jonas Prinsen discusses South Korea's digital dependence in his article.
Universität Bonn
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