Focused on the "Belt and Road Initiative", this book discusses China’s opportunities to translate economic leverage into political outcomes. The central question is how China’s expanding economic influence will transform the Eurasian political landscape. Proposed in late 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the Belt and Road is the most ambitious foreign policy approach adopted thus far and represents the culmination of China’s search for a grand strategic narrative. Comparative methods and diverse conceptual frameworks are applied to contextualize and explore the political, economic, and cultural ramifications of the Belt and Road in order to shed light on its transformative significance, risks and opportunities.
18. April 2018
Rethinking the Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations Rethinking the Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Ein von Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer herausgegebenes Buch, das die neue Rolle und die Ambitionen von Chinas neuer Führung im Weltgeschehen bewertet, die erste theoriegeleitete Sammlung von Perspektiven zu Chinas Belt and Road Initiative bietet und vergleichende, regionale, nationale und theoretische Perspektiven zu Chinas ehrgeizigstem außenpolitischen Projekt liefert.
Rethinking the Silk Road
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