Dr. Frank Umbach: "The war shows that we are entering a new phase of a military technology revolution"1
CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the role of new technologies in the war in Ukraine in an interview with WELT.de.
The rift in Turkish-Israeli relations2
CASSIS Fellow PD Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek in derStandard on Turkey's relationship with Israel
"Krieg in Ukraine und Nahost" Ulrich Schlie in an interview with Deutschlandfunk3
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, Ulrich Schlie talks about the impact of the war in Ukraine and the resurgent conflict in the Middle East. He also takes a look at the implications for German foreign and security policy and the threat to our democracy.
"Russia is trying to use the US attention on Israel for its warfare in Ukraine"4
In an interview with WELT.de, Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the impact of the war in Gaza on the war in Ukraine.
"Die neue Kriegstüchtigkeit" Ulrich Schlie on the defence policy guidelines in Cicero5
Ulrich Schlie comments in Cicero on the new defence policy guidelines issued by Federal Defence Minister Boris Pistorius on Sunday 12.11.2023.
Dr. Frank Umbach on the speech by António Guterres6
Dr. Frank Umbach on Phoenix about the speech by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the Middle East crisis
5.5 billion euros for Russia's war7
Dr. Frank Umbach in the General-Anzeiger on European LNG imports from Russia
Dr. Frank Umbach: "Putin lookalikes exist and they have been indirectly confirmed"8
Dr. Frank Umbach analyses the developments in an interview with WELT and comments on the accusations that Russia's President Putin is secretly using doubles.
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