Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie in the Handelsblatt on the publication of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs1
Father of the economic miracle? Ludwig Erhard was more than just a failed chancellor. His time in office shows striking parallels to today's government. 60 years after his chancellorship, his memoirs are now being published by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie and the Ludwig Erhard Foundation. In an interview with Handelsblatt, Prof. Schlie gives his first impressions of Erhard's notes.
Dr. Frank Umbach in a Welt interview on the peace conference in Switzerland2
In an interview with Welt TV, CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach analyses the peace summit in Switzerland, the prospects for peace in the Ukraine war and the concrete prerequisites for a real peace conference.
Dr. Frank Umbach in a Phoenix interview on the G7 summit3
In an interview with phoenix, CASSIS Fellow and security expert Dr. Frank Umbach provides an overview and analysis of the G7 summit.
Prof. Dr. Heinemann-Grüder at DW on Russian-Sudanese relations4
CASSIS Fellow Prof. Dr. Heinemann-Grüder analyzes Russian-Sudanese relations against the background of a new Russian naval base in Sudan in an article by Deutsche Welle.
PD Dr. Antje Nötzold in idw on strategic competition in space5
In an interview with "idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft", PD Dr. Antje Nötzold, Fellow at CASSIS, assessed the security policy situation of strategic competition in and around space.
Mitigating AI-Generated Disinformation: A Cyber Collaborative Framework for G7 Governance6
Simona Autolitano, a PhD student supervised by Prof Dr Maximilian Mayer and Policy Officer at the BSI, and two other authors make the case for countering AI-generated disinformation with a cyber security approach in a policy brief as part of Italy's G7 presidency.
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity7
Simona Autolitano, a PhD student supervised by Prof Dr Maximilian Mayer and Policy Officer at the BSI, argues in a policy brief as part of Italy's G7 presidency for more cooperation between the G7 in the systematic use of artificial intelligence in the field of cyber security.
Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg in Rundschau Online on the results of the European elections8
Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg, spokesman and director of CASSIS, assesses the results of the European elections in an interview with Rundschau Online.
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