Prof. James Bindenagel und Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder analysieren mögliche Szenarien für den weiteren Verlauf des Krieges.
Dr. Frank Umbach zu einer möglichen Verstaatlichung der Stadtwerke bei WeltN24.
Hans-Dieter Heumann, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, talks with Phoenix about the UN General Assembly and the partial mobilization of Russia.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in FocusOnline zur Teilmobilmachung in Russland und neue Eskalationsstufen.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder explains in Focus the actions of the German government in the Ukraine war
Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber explains, how a speech by the Russian leader in a Greek monastery in 2016 holds the key to explaining why Russia is at war today.
Dr. Frank Umbach, head of research at the EUCERS cluster, in an interview with WeltN24 on 28.08.22.
Dr. Joachim Weber, Senior Visiting Fellow, explains the war situation in Ukraine after six months.