Dr. Joachim Weber featured in Phoenix Film "G7-Gipfel der Mächtigen"1
"Phoenix plus G7 - Summit of the Mighty looks back at almost 50 years of summit events. Dr. Joachim Weber, historian and political scientist at the CASSIS Institute of the University of Bonn, explains the context."
Dr. Joachim Weber featured in N-TV-Interview2
Dr. Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow of CASSIS, comments on Ukraine's aircrafts and jet power. 
Ohne Sicherheitsgarantien kein Waffenstillstand3
Prof. James Bindenagel, Senior Fellow at CASSIS and Former Henry Kissinger Professor of Security and Strategic Studies, and Thomas Risse make the case for the country's EU and NATO membership and what that would mean for all involved.
Dr. Joachim Weber in Phoenix Interview4
Tweet: #UkraineKrieg | "Im Moment tut man wirklich, was man kann", so Strategieexperte Dr. Joachim Weber @cassis_bonn. Er sieht einen Wandel bei deutschen #WaffenLieferungen an die #Ukraine. Anfänglich war das sehr zögerlich, mittlerweile werde aber so viel geliefert wie möglich. Video Attached
Dr. Frank Umbach in a live interview with NTV5
Dr. Frank Umbach, Head of Research at the EUCERS Cluster, talks about the planned heating law in a live TV interview.
Dr. Joachim Weber featured in N-TV Interview6
Dr. Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, comments on the drone attack on the Kremlin.
Deutsche Seemacht? Wenn die Marine in Heimatgewässern bleibt, fehlt sie in der Welt7
An article by Dr. Moritz Brake, Senior Fellow at CASSIS und Officer in the German Marines, has been featured in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Dr. Joachim Weber featured in Phoenix Interview8
Dr. Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, classifies the deployment of the German Armed Forces in Sudan.
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