Dr. Frank Umbach in an interview with WELT on the renewed escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict1
Dr. Frank Umbach, research director of the EUCERS cluster, talks about the escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in an interview at WELT.
Dr. Frank Umbach in interview with WELT: “Scholz keeps hiding behind the U.S.“2
Dr. Frank Umbach, research director of the EUCERS cluster, talks about the current state of German-American relations in an interview at WELT.
Dr. Frank Umbach in interview about the economic relations to Russia after the war3
Dr. Frank Umbach, Head of Research at the EUCERS Cluster, comments in the Berliner Zeitung on the prospects for economic relations with Russia after the end of the war in Ukraine.
Dr. Frank Umbach in TV interview with Phoenix on the meeting between Putin and Kim Jong Un5
Dr. Frank Umbach talks about the meeting between the heads of government of Russia and North Korea
Cassis Fellow Johanna Möhring in a discussion on Radio France6
Dr Johanna Möhring takes part in a panel discussion on Radio France as an Associate Fellow of CASSIS. The topic is security policy developments in Africa and their influence on French defence policy.
Dr. Frank Umbach in TV interview with WELT on the Suedlink power line7
"A symbol of the pace of action on climate change."
"Global systemic conflict plays an increasing role at G20"8
Dr. Frank Umbach, energy security expert and head of the EUCERS cluster, talks to n-tv about the G20 summit.
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