Deutschlands Sicherheitsstrategie hält nicht, was sie verspricht. Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie1
Prof. Ulrich Schlie wrote a guest commentary on Germany's new security strategy for the Tagespost.
Dr. Frank Umbach in Phoenix Interview2
Interview at TV-News Sender Phoenix with Dr. Frank Umbach and the moderator Tina Dauster about the background and the classification of Prigoschin's rebellion and the military march on Moscow.
Dr. Frank Umbach in NTV Interview3
Interview on TV news channel NTV with Dr Frank Umbach and presenter Verena Fels.
Dr. Frank Umbach in an interview for the TV station NTV4
Interview for the TV channel NTV with Dr. Frank Umbach and the moderator Jessika Westen on the background and classification of Prigoschin's rebellion and the military march on Moscow.
Ein Weimarer Dreieck ohne Antriebskraft?5
The next parliamentary election will be held in Poland in the fall. The outcome of the election will be decisive for the whole EU. In this context, dokdoc asked Monika Sus, Landry Charrier and Hans-Dieter Heumann for an assessment. They talk about the Weimar Triangle, the war in Ukraine, Poland's European policy course and the future of the European Union.
Dr. Frank Umbach in the podcast "The roots of the energy security crisis in Europe".6
Podcast "The Roots of Europe's Energy Security Crisis" with Dr. Frank Umbach and Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, Founder and Chairman of the Geopolitical Intelligence Service (GIS).
Dr. Frank Umbach featured in Pheonix-Interview7
Dr Frank Umbach, Head of Research at the EUCERS Cluster, talks about Germany's National Security Strategy in an interview with Phoenix.
Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann on NATO's defense policy8
Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, speaks on NATO security and defense policy. 
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