Dr. Frank Umbach on the Hamas hostage-takings1
Dr. Frank Umbach talks to Phoenix about the situation of the hostages and the current situation in the region.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in General Anzeiger: „In jedem Konflikt muss man der Diplomatie eine Chance geben“2
In an interview with the General Anzeiger, Ulrich Schlie discusses the role of the USA in the Middle East, in particular the close political and military partnership between the USA and Israel.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Merkur (IPPEN.Media): "Terrorgefahr in Europa ist gestiegen" on 18.10.20233
In an interview with Merkur (IPPEN.Media), Ulrich Schlie discusses the consequences of the escalation in Israel and Gaza for Europe and the world. In particular, he focusses on a renewed flare-up of Islamist terror.
Focus-Online article by Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann on the current situation in Israel4
Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, will speak about what impact the current situation in Israel may have on the relationship between Israel and its Arab neighbors, especially Saudi Arabia.
Germany's Role in the World5
CASSIS Senior Fellow James. D. Bindenagel comments on the development of Germany's international position in CIVIS magazine (Aug/2023) and on the American-German Institute's website.
Dr. Frank Umbach: "Hamas could not have planned the terrorist action alone"6
Dr. Frank Umbach talks to n-tv about the background to the current escalation in the Middle East.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie on WDR5: "Krieg in Israel: Wie ist die aktuelle Lage im Gazastreifen?" on 14.10.20237
Ulrich Schlie talks about the current situation in the Gaza Strip and possible scenarios in the coming days and weeks on WDR5's Morgenecho programme.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the Tagesspiegel on questions and answers on the possible ground offensive in Gaza8
In an interview with the Tagesspiegel, Ulrich Schlie addresses the most important questions regarding the possible ground offensive in Gaza. He focusses on the coming weeks as well as long-term developments.
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