"Frank Umbach, an expert in security policy and a member of CASSIS at the University of Bonn, evaluates the current situation in relation to Ukraine and the international reactions. He points to the growing expectation from the United States that European states must take on more responsibility, not only politically but also militarily and financially. Particularly in terms of long-term security guarantees for Ukraine and the financing of military aid, the international community demands that Europe be held more accountable. In this context, the British chairmanship of the NATO Contact Group for Ukraine is seen as a symbolic step that highlights European responsibility and further shapes the geopolitical landscape.
Security expert Umbach on Ukraine Security expert Umbach on Ukraine
In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and international efforts to find a solution, the role of European states is increasingly gaining importance. From an American perspective, European partners are expected to take on more responsibility—both militarily and financially. A central symbol of this shift is the recent move to strengthen the NATO Contact Group for Ukraine, with the UK now taking the lead. This development reflects the expectations that Europe will become more involved in future security guarantees and the financing of Ukraine.

Security expert Umbach on Ukraine.
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Dr. Frank Umbach2 is the research director of the European Cluster for Climate, Energy, and Resource Security (EUCERS).
- https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/phoenix-vor-ort/sicherheitsexperte-umbach-zur-ukraine/phoenix/Y3JpZDovL3Bob2VuaXguZGUvNDc4NTc0Nw
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/about-us/all-employees/umbach
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/brake-die-meere-werden-zur-kampfzone
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/jordanien-zwischen-us-abhaengigkeit-und-arabischer-solidaritaet