21. June 2024

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie in the Handelsblatt on the publication of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie in the Handelsblatt on the publication of Ludwig Erhard's memoirs

Father of the economic miracle? Ludwig Erhard was more than just a failed chancellor. His time in office shows striking parallels to today's government. 60 years after his chancellorship, his memoirs are now being published by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie and the Ludwig Erhard Foundation. In an interview with Handelsblatt, Prof. Schlie gives his first impressions of Erhard's notes.

Screenshot Handelsblatt Interview zur Veröffentlichung Ludwig Erhard Memoiren
Screenshot Handelsblatt Interview zur Veröffentlichung Ludwig Erhard Memoiren © Handelsblatt
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"A small coalition partner who instigates disputes over budget issues, a chancellor who withdraws in a huff instead of leading, a relationship with France characterized by discord instead of cooperation - what reads like a description of government relations in Berlin is a summary of Ludwig Erhard's chancellorship. This was a good six decades ago, and yet the parallels of these days are becoming clear as Erhard's memoirs from his time as chancellor become public for the first time."

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie is publishing Ludwig Erhard's memoirs in edited form as a book in cooperation with the Ludwig Erhard Foundation. In an interview with Handelsblatt, he describes his impressions of the sometimes astonishing parallels between Erhard's time as chancellor and today's government.

To the article in Handelsblatt.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie is Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and Henry Kissinger Professor for Security and Strategy Research at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology.

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