29. May 2024

Dr. Enrico Fels in the General-Anzeiger on Russian space capabilities Dr. Enrico Fels in the General-Anzeiger on Russian space capabilities

In the General-Anzeiger, Dr. Enrico Fels, Managing Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) at the University of Bonn, gives his assessment of Russian space capabilities and classifies the current debate about the interference of GPS signals by Russia.

General-Anzeiger © General-Anzeiger
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Russia is accused of interfering with GPS signals, for example in air traffic. But is this even true? And would this also be possible in Bonn and the region? Experts from the region, including Dr. Enrico Fels, explain.

Fels states: “Officially, of course, Russia does not interfere with the systems. Because this is internationally prohibited”. Nevertheless, all indicators point to the fact that the interference with GPS signals in the Baltic and Ukrainian regions can be traced back to Russia. Against this backdrop, the space expert advocates the protection of this critical infrastructure, the legalization of the space sector and the development of its own capabilities to reduce dependencies. According to Fels, the topic is very important because: “We can clearly see a militarization of space – with serious consequences for us on Earth too.”

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