Deutschland und die Niederlande - enge Partner in und für Europa

05 May 2023 | 14:00 - 18:15 | Festsaal of the University of Bonn

Today, governmental and civic relations between Germany and the Netherlands are more friendly and multifaceted than ever before. In 2020, the Netherlands was Germany's most important trading partner in the EU for the fourth time in a row and the second most important worldwide. The two countries also work closely together in the fields of culture, science and international security (NATO). For example, defense cooperation, especially in the cooperation and integration of the armed forces, is considered exemplary in Europe.

But good relations also need to be nurtured and developed. We will discuss the German-Dutch relationship and take a joint look at the two countries and their role in the European Union. Where does cooperation need to be further developed? What issues divide the governments consisting of a liberal-Christian-conservative or a "traffic light" coalition? And how does the current global political situation affect the allies?

Discuss with us!

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Opening Remarks:

Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, University of Bonn


Zwischen Distanz und Nähe. Die niederländisch-deutschen Beziehungen seit 1945

Prof. Em. Friso Wielenga
1999-2021 Director of the Center for Dutch Studies at the University of Münster


Otto Fricke
Member of the German Bundestag (FDP), Chairman of the German-Dutch Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag

Anke Plättner
Journalist and presenter, Netherlands Expert

Han ten Broeke
Political director of the Hague Center of Strategic Studies (The Hague), former foreign and defense policy spokesman of the VVD in the Dutch Parliament


Iris Müller
Regional Office NRW of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

Reception at Cafe Unique

In close cooperation with:

© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung

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