Dossier Middle East

Here you can find collected all contributions of the experts at CASSIS on the conflict in the Middle East and in Gaza, as well as its wider context.

Dossier Middle East
Review of the Winter School ‘Outer Space Cooperation in the Middle East’ in Bonn
The Winter School ‘Outer Space Cooperation in the Middle East’ from 6 - 8 December 2024 brought students from the Middle East together with students from Europe to talk about space cooperation in the Middle East.
Dr Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on the role of the USA in the Israel-Iran conflict
In an interview with NTV Dr Frank Umbach analyses the US influence in the Israel-Iran conflict and the impact on the US election campaign.
Dr Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on the air strike in Beirut
In an interview with NTV, Dr Frank Umbach analyses the air strike in Beirut.
Dr Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on the pager explosions in Lebanon
In an interview with NTV, Dr Frank Umbach analyses the renewed pager explosions in Lebanon.
Dr. Hüseyin Cicek in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on Turkish-Israeli relations
In a guest article for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Dr. Hüseyin Cicek analyses the risk of escalation in Turkish-Israeli relations.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie in an interview with the Münchener Merkur about a possible Iranian attack on Israel
The situation in the Middle East is extremely tense. In an interview with the Münchener Merkur, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie explains the complex strategic situation and gives an assessment of which diplomatic solutions are still possible.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie on NDR radio on the conflict between Israel and Iran: "It's never too late for diplomacy"
The situation in the Middle East threatens to escalate. Following the targeted killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya by Israel, Iran is expected to retaliate militarily. In an interview with NDR radio, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie assesses the strategic and military situation in the region.
Cooperation event on international perspectives on the Gaza war at the University of Bonn
On July 9, 2024, the Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheit e.V. (KFIBS), in cooperation with the Bonner Hochschulgriuppe für Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik (BHAS), hosted a panel discussion on international perspectives on the Gaza war. Fenja Wiluda and Dr. Sascha Arnautović focused on the different interests in the Gulf States and the USA, which clash in the international dimension of the conflict.
Young Leaders Summer Academy on "Climate change and Security"
The CASSIS and the ICI organised a Summer Academy for future decision-makers from the Middle East and Europe, focussing on the nexus of climate change and security.
Prof. Dr Ulrich Schlie in an interview with the Tagesspiegel: Is Iran pushing ahead with its nuclear programme?
Iran's attack on Israel marks a new level of escalation. In an interview with the Tagesspiegel on 26.04.2024, Prof. Dr Ulrich Schlie analyses Iran's efforts to become a nuclear power.
Former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann in focus online on the Middle East conflict
Russia's war against Ukraine, uncertainties in Washington, dealing with China and the situation in the Middle East are four geopolitical challenges to which Europe must find an answer. According to former Ambassador Hans-Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and current CASSIS Fellow, this is the only way it can become a geopolitical factor.
Dr. Frank Umbach in a Phoenix interview on the Iranian attack on Israel
Security expert and CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach assesses the current security situation in the Middle East and analyzes the Iranian attack on Israel.
Former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann on "phoenix vor ort" on the Middle East situation
In the phoenix interview "phoenix vor ort", former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and current CASSIS-Fellow, gives his assessment of the current situation in the Middle East.
Former ambassador Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann in a phoenix interview on the situation in the Middle East
Dr. Hans Dieter Heumann, former President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy and former ambassador, now a CASSIS Fellow, on the situation in the Middle East.
Ulrich Schlie in an interview with BILD on Iran's attack on Israel
Iran's attack on Israel on Saturday has further exacerbated the situation in the Middle East and heightened fears of a conflagration in the region. In an interview with Bild on April 16, 2024, Ulrich Schlie puts the events in context.
Ulrich Schlie in an interview with the FR on Iran's attack on Israel: "Prepare for the worst-case scenario"
Iran's attack on Israel on Saturday has further exacerbated the situation in the Middle East and heightened concerns about a conflagration in the region. In an interview with the Frankfurter Rundschau on 15 April 2024, Ulrich Schlie puts the events in context.
Dr. Frank Umbach on the emergency situation in Gaza "Germany will continue to stand by Israel's side"
In an interview with NTV, CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach talks about current developments in the war in Gaza. Topics include the airlift and the difficulties involved in delivering humanitarian aid by sea.
On the situation in the Middle East: Dr. Frank Umbach interviewed by Phoenix
CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach talks to Phoenix about the situation following the revelations about the involvement of UNRWA staff in the massacre on October 7.
100 days since the invasion of Israel
To mark the hundredth day since the Hamas attack on Israel, high-ranking guests discuss the current situation in the Middle East.
Can an international security alliance protect merchant ships? - Ulrich Schlie on rbb radioeins
Ulrich Schlie talks to rbb radioeins about the international community's new initiative against the attacks by the Huthi rebels in the Red Sea.
How dangerous is the Houthi militia?
CASSIS Senior Fellow Dr. Moritz Brake on ZDFheute live on the attacks on Israel and ships in the Red Sea
Dr. Frank Umbach on the economic interests of Hamas in the context of the Middle East conflict
CASSIS Fellow Dr. Frank Umbach on the current situation in the Middle East and the suspicious stock market transactions prior to Hamas' attack on Israel.
The rift in Turkish-Israeli relations
CASSIS Fellow PD Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek in derStandard on Turkey's relationship with Israel
"Krieg in Ukraine und Nahost" Ulrich Schlie in an interview with Deutschlandfunk
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, Ulrich Schlie talks about the impact of the war in Ukraine and the resurgent conflict in the Middle East. He also takes a look at the implications for German foreign and security policy and the threat to our democracy.
"Die neue Kriegstüchtigkeit" Ulrich Schlie on the defence policy guidelines in Cicero
Ulrich Schlie comments in Cicero on the new defence policy guidelines issued by Federal Defence Minister Boris Pistorius on Sunday 12.11.2023.
Dr. Frank Umbach on the speech by António Guterres
Dr. Frank Umbach on Phoenix about the speech by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the Middle East crisis
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek in an interview on the Middle East conflict
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Hüseyin Çiçek, CASSIS Fellow, in an interview on the conflict in the Middle East.
Ulrich Schlie in the podcast "Koschwitz zum Wochenende" on Iran's role in the Hamas attacks
In the podcast, Ulrich Schlie explains the role played by Iran in the Hamas attacks and provides further background information on the situation in Israel and Gaza.
Dr. Frank Umbach on the Hamas hostage-takings
Dr. Frank Umbach talks to Phoenix about the situation of the hostages and the current situation in the region.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in General Anzeiger: „In jedem Konflikt muss man der Diplomatie eine Chance geben“
In an interview with the General Anzeiger, Ulrich Schlie discusses the role of the USA in the Middle East, in particular the close political and military partnership between the USA and Israel.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in Merkur (IPPEN.Media): "Terrorgefahr in Europa ist gestiegen" on 18.10.2023
In an interview with Merkur (IPPEN.Media), Ulrich Schlie discusses the consequences of the escalation in Israel and Gaza for Europe and the world. In particular, he focusses on a renewed flare-up of Islamist terror.
Focus-Online article by Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann on the current situation in Israel
Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, will speak about what impact the current situation in Israel may have on the relationship between Israel and its Arab neighbors, especially Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Frank Umbach: "Hamas could not have planned the terrorist action alone"
Dr. Frank Umbach talks to n-tv about the background to the current escalation in the Middle East.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie on WDR5: "Krieg in Israel: Wie ist die aktuelle Lage im Gazastreifen?" on 14.10.2023
Ulrich Schlie talks about the current situation in the Gaza Strip and possible scenarios in the coming days and weeks on WDR5's Morgenecho programme.
Interview with Prof Schlie with IPPEN.Media (Frankfurter Rundschau): "Israel droht Fünf-Fronten-Krieg"
In an interview with IPPEN.Media (Frankfurter Rundschau), Ulrich Schlie discusses both the regional consequences of the escalation in Israel and the implications for the West.
Interview with Ulrich Schlie in the Tagesspiegel on questions and answers on the possible ground offensive in Gaza
In an interview with the Tagesspiegel, Ulrich Schlie addresses the most important questions regarding the possible ground offensive in Gaza. He focusses on the coming weeks as well as long-term developments.


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