Fenja Wiluda, M.A.
Consultant for Research and Development, Maritime Security and NATO, Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BDSV)
LinkedIn: Fenja Wiluda2
Since March 2025 Fenja Wiluda is working as a Consultant for Research and Development, Maritime Security and NATO at the Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BDSV)
From September 2021 until September 2024, Fenja Wiluda was research fellow at the Henry Kissinger Professorship for Security and Strategy Studies.During her Bachelor of Arts she studied Politics and Society as well as French at the University of Bonn and the Institut d'Études Politiques de Grenoble (Science Po). She also completed her Master of Arts in Political Science at the University of Bonn. In 2021, she wrote her master's thesis on the alliance between the United States of America and Saudi Arabia under the presidency of Donald Trump and the rule of King Salman.
At the Henry Kissinger Professorship, Fenja Wiluda was responsible for the organization of various conference and event formats, including the International Security Forum Bonn 3and the event series Franco-German Strategic Dialogue4. Her research focuses on the Middle East and the Gulf states. As part of a research visit to the office of the Regional Program Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation5, she lived in Amman, Jordan, for a few months in 2023.
Fenja Wiluda is Associate Fellow at the Center for Middle East and Global Order6 and is involved in the Rhineland regional group of Polis1807.
Research Focus
International Relations | Transatlantic Relations | Middle East | Gulf States | Alliance politics | Personality in political leadership
- Moderator of the event “US Elections (3) - What awaits the Arab world?”8 of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (19.07.2024)
- Speaker at the event “International Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War”9 in cooperation with KFIBS and BHAS (09.07.2024)
- Moderator of the event: “The Strategic Orientation of NATO after Madrid and the Alliance's Nexus with the EU” 10(06.07.2022)
- Frauen im Militär Saudi-Arabiens. Ein Sinnbild des Wandels im Königreich - KAS Policy Report 74, 2024.11
Co-editor of the workshop report “Bonn Vision Lab 2023. Envisioning Zeitenwende”, November 2023
“Trudeau: The rise and fall of a prime minister?”, in: Gu, Xuewu/ Ohnesorge, Hendrik W. (eds.): Weltpolitische Gestaltung in Zeiten von COVID-19, Springer: Wiesbaden 2022.
Rapporteur of the report on the “International Security Forum Bonn 2021”
Rapporteur of the final report of the Task Force “Future of Transatlantic Relations”12
Summer semester 2023
The rise of the Gulf monarchies as global players? (BMIB13)
Winter semester 2022/23
Alliances of convenience in the Persian Gulf? Saudi Arabia as a strategic ally of global actors (BMIB14)
Summer semester 2022
European Strategic Alliances - The Current Challenge of Russia (BMDE15)
Winter semester 2021/2022
The strategic orientation of the EU (BMDE16)
- https://twitter.com/CASSIS_Bonn
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/fenja-w-a6b824194/
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/events/international-security-forum-bonn/isfb-2023
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/events/uebersicht
- https://www.kas.de/de/web/jordanien
- https://cmeg.org
- https://polis180.org/regiogruppen/
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/neuigkeiten/us-wahlen-was-erwartet-die-arabische-welt-veranstaltung-der-friedrich-naumann-stiftung-moderiert-von-fenja-wiluda
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/neuigkeiten/internationale-perspektiven-auf-den-israel-hamas-krieg
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/neuigkeiten/strategic_orientation
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/publikationen/frauen-im-militaer-saudi-arabiens-ein-sinnbild-des-wandels-im-koenigreich-kas-policy-report-74
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/publikationen/partnership-in-leadership
- https://basis.uni-bonn.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=220288&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung
- https://basis.uni-bonn.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=215640&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung
- https://basis.uni-bonn.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=202838&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung
- https://basis.uni-bonn.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&publishid=194888&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung