Dr. Susann Lüdtke

Dr. Susann Lüdtke

Associate Fellow


E-Mail: luedtke_standards@yahoo.com


Since 2013, Dr. Susann Lüdtke has been researching technical standards with a focus on China and beyond. Lüdtke’s research emphasizes the challenges of various stakeholders such as the corporate sector when engaging in standardization efforts and is also concerned with risks deriving from deviating technical standards. In 2020, Lüdtke published “The Secret of Lobbying in China”– a result of extensive field research in China. Her book shows how much the industry partakes in the development of standards in China's building energy efficiency industry. Further research foci include patent-based innovation strategies, business-government relations, quality infrastructure, and sustainability in China and beyond. 

Dr. Lüdtke has an educational background in China Business and Economics. She achieved her doctoral degree in economics and worked as a research fellow for Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heilmann at the University of Trier and Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer at the University of Würzburg. Dr. Lüdtke was invited to Zhejiang University in Hangzhou (China) as a visiting scholar. After working as a consultant for the automotive industry, Lüdtke has worked as a consultant for patent analytics and patent management since 2018. Dr. Lüdtke is frequently working as an external expert for projects on technical standards and quality infrastructure. 

Research interests

Geo-Politics & Geo-Economics of Technical Standardization | China's Standardization System and Industrial Policy | Patent-based Innovation Policy and Sustainability Studies

Research project

  • GeoPolitics & GeoEconomics of Technical Standardization: Digitale Lösungen zur Erforschung des globalen Normen-Wettbewerbs in High-Tech Industrien

Selected Publications

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