Prof. Dr. Dr. Joseph Diescho
Visiting Fellow
E-Mail: jb.diescho@gmail.com
Telefon: +49 163 462 1981
Address: Adolfstrasse 16, 53111 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Dr. Joseph Diescho is a political scientist from Namibia. He holds a total of seven university degrees, including three master's degrees and two doctorates. His two doctoral dissertations were on decolonization in Africa and the role of education in the politics of Namibia and South Africa. From the late 1980s until his return to South Africa in the early 1990s, Joseph Diescho held the professorship of International Politics at the City University of New York. Joseph Diescho is therefore an expert on international politics, often with reference to Africa. Furthermore, he has held numerous positions in academia and research. For example, he was executive director of the Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM). In this regard, Joseph Diescho has lectured at numerous professional conferences and renowned international scientific institutions, both at home and abroad.
Research Interests
Education Policy in South Africa | International Relations | Development Policy | Political Economy
Research Projets
- Namibia: What went wrong?
- Towards a New Dawn: Reconstructing the German-Namibian Relations
Selected Publications
- The Concept of Rights in Africa in Anton Boesl and Nico Horn (2019)
- The Role of Political Parties in the Electoral and Demarcation (2008)
- Understanding the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) 2002
- The Politics of Presidential Third Term in Namibia (1998)