Dr. Heiko Borchert
Associate Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies
Mail: info(at)borchert.ch
Twitter: @HeikoBorchert
Dr Heiko Borchert owns and manages Borchert Consulting & Research AG, a strategic affairs consulting boutique. He is Co-Director of the Defense AI Observatory at Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces, advisor with the Helsinki-based Geostrategic Intelligence Group, and subject matter expert at the Hague Center for Strategic Studies (HCSS). He is also member of the Advisory Board of the Foreign and Security Policy Journal (Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, ZfAS) and The Defence Horizon Journal. He has studied international relations, business administration, economics, and law at the University of St. Gallen, where he also received his Ph.D.
Research Activities
Defense | Foreign Direct Investment and National Security | Foresight | Geoeconomics | Infrastructure | New Technologies | Strategy
Selected Publications
- Let Finland and Sweden champion transatlantic economic security1 (with Mikael Wigell and Pär Malmberg), Euractiv OpEd, 24.08.2023.
- Master and Servant. Defense AI in Germany2 (with Torben Schütz and Joseph Verbobszky) Hamburg: Defense AI Observatory, 2023.
- Navigating Geoeconomic Risks: Towards an International Business Risk and Resilience Monitor3 (with Mikael Wigell et al.), Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2022.
- "Unchain My heart. A Defense Industrial Policy Agenda for Germany's Zeitenwende"4, Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 15:4 (December 2022), pp. 429-451.
- "New Geoeconomics: A Primer"5, in Johann Strobl und Heiko Borchert (Hrsg.), Storms Ahead. The Future Geoeconomic World Order (Wien: Raiffeisen Bank International, 2021), pp. 16-35
- "War as a Service: Stop Overhyping Technology"6, (with Torben Schütz und Joseph Verbovszky), Singapur: RSIS S. Rajaratnam Schoold of International Studies, Commentary 123, 2021.
- "Beware the Hype. What Military Conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh (Don't) Tell Us About the Future of War"7, (with Torben Schütz und Joseph Verbovszky), Hamburg: Defense AI Observatory, 2021.
- "Supply Chain Management and Economic Statecraft: A Five-Point Agenda",8 East Asia Forum, 29 June 2020.
- 9"Covid-19: Strategische Krisenfestigkeit braucht ein neues Gleichgewicht von Staat und Wirtschaft"10, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10 May 2020.
- “Jump-Starting Europe’s Work on Military Artificial Intelligence”11, (with Christian Brandlhuber), Defense News, 9 September 2019.
- "Flow Control Rewrites Globalization. Implications for Business and Investors"12, Dubai: HEDGE21/Alcazar Capital Ltd, 2019.
- “The Arab Gulf Defense Pivot: Defense Industrial Policy in a Changing Geostrategic Context”13, Comparative Strategy, 37:4, February 2019, pp. 299-315.
- https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/opinion/let-finland-and-sweden-champion-transatlantic-economic-security/
- https://defenseai.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/daio_study2312_master_and_servant_borchert_schuetz_verbovszky.pdf
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/2211_FIIA_Geoeconomics.pdf
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12399-022-00926-4
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/2202_Storms_Ahead.pdf
- https://www.rsis.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CO21123.pdf
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2105_DAIO_Beware_the_Hype_Final.pdf
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2006_Borchert_Economic_Statecraft.pdf
- https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/covid-19-strategische-krisenfestigkeit-braucht-ein-neues-gleichgewicht-von-staat-und-wirtschaft-ld.1555473
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/about-us/all-employees/borchert/%22Covid-19:%20Strategische%20Krisenfestigkeit%20braucht%20ein%20neues%20Gleichgewicht%20von%20Staat%20und%20Wirtschaft%22,%20Neue%20Z%C3%BCrcher%20Zeitung,%2010%20May%202020
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1909_Borchert_Brandlhuber_AI.pdf
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1901_Borchert_Flow_Control.pdf
- https://www.borchert.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1902_Borchert_Arab_Gulf_Defense_Pivot.pdf