Priv. Doz. Dr. phil. habil. Eveyln Bokler
Associate Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies
Twitter: CASSIS_Bonn
Priv. Doz. Dr Evelyn Bokler conducts research in the field of comparative extremism with a focus on Islamism, both in the MENA region and in Germany. She is also concerned with the political systems of the MENA region and their legitimisation of political rule. She is deputy head of the research unit ‘Islam and Politics’ at the Centre for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster and has also been a lecturer at the University of Bonn since 2018. Prior to this, she worked at the Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V., where she started to set up the Bildungswerk NRW der Deutschen Gesellschaft e.V. in 2015, before returning to academia and dedicating herself to her habilitation.
PD Dr Bokler studied political science with public law and modern history in Munich, Heidelberg, Florence and Bonn and received her doctorate from Chemnitz University of Technology. In 2023, she was awarded a double venia legendi for political science and Islamic studies by the Faculty of Philosophy. Her habilitation was on the topic of ‘The dictatorship of the Islamic State and its normative order’.
Fields of Research
Extremism, esp. Islamism | Religion and politics | Politics and society in the MENA-Region
Chosen Publications
Die Diktatur des Islamischen Staates und seine normative Grundlage, Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden 2023, 443 Seiten.
Abul Baraa. Biographisches Porträt, in: U. Backes/E. Jesse/T. Thieme (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie 2023, Baden-Baden 2023, S. 191-206.
Feministischer Dschihadismus. Das Frauenbild im IS-Dschihadismus, in: K. Amirpur/A. El Maaroufie/D. El Omari (Hrsg.), Eine Frage des Geschlechts? Islamisch-theologische Perspektiven für eine gendergerechte islamische Theologie, Baden-Baden 2023, S. 365-386.
Der totalitäre Staat – das Produkt einer säkularen Religion?. Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden 2009, 455 Seiten.
Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein. Die Taliban und ihre Fehleinschätzung durch den Westen, in: M. Bartscher/S. Hansen/M. Rohschürmann (Hrsg.), Einsatz in Afghanistan – ein Paradigmenwechsel des Internationalen Krisen- und Konfliktmanagements der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Baden-Baden 2023, S. 133-149.