Infrastructures of Memory: Heritages and Diversity in Modern China 

27. Mai 2021


This workshop aims to discuss how different heritage related actors in contemporary China construct and employ historical, architectural and cultural resources as memory infrastructures to engage in identity construction in the context of modern Chinese society and in Chinas transnational cultural and political interactions.

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  • Sophie Elpers (Meertens Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences): Intangible cultural heritage, museums and the challenge of diversity
  • Puay-peng Ho (National University of Singapore/UNESCO Chair on Architectural Heritage): Walking a Tightrope: Rethinking cultural urban landscape in China
  • Andrew Law and Qianqian Qin (Newcastle University): Cultural nationalism, ontological (in)security and reflective nostalgia? The Hanfu movement and young adults in China
  • Christina Maags Christina, (University of Sheffield): State Institutions as Building Blocks of Chinese Cultural Memory–The Case of Intangible Heritage
  • Sandra Gilgan (University of Bonn): The Role of History and Memory in the Popular Claim on Confucian Educational Tradition
  • Maximilian Mayer (University of Bonn): Infrastructures of memory: making memories durable – the case of Yushu after the 2010 earthquake
  • Ryoko Nakano (Kanazawa University): The Silk Roads as global memory infrastructures: Japan and South Korea’s views on China’s initiatives
  • David O’Brien (Ruhr University Bochum) and Melissa Shani Brown (Ruhr University Bochum): ‘Making the Past Serve the Present’: Tourism, Sinicisation, and BRI’s ‘People to People Bonds’ in Xinjiang (XUAR), China
  • Hendrik W. Ohnesorge (University of Bonn): Soft Power, Historic Statecraft and Memory in Great Power Politics

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