The Changing Shape of the Security Environment in the Black Sea Region

May 24, 2022 | 6 pm (CET) / 12 pm (ET) | Webinar via Zoom

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Black Sea region has been undergoing radical changes. Being a strategically important crossroad between Europe and Asia it has become a geopolitical symbol signifying a multipolar world order. The region has been experiencing a major reconfiguration of power balance for years. Countries, like Russia, Turkey and China are continuously expanding its military and security posture by matching it with an uncompromising and assertive foreign policy. However, the Western world has missed these rapidly changing dynamics and has been burdened by navigating between this new hard geopolitical reality in the region and exceptionalism in its foreign policy. The aim of the discussion is to analyse the new geopolitical situation and the impact of growing international involvement in the Black Sea on the regional stability. The main focus will be on the future security order and changing power dynamic in the Black Sea region, as well as which im-plication would it have for the Western security policy. The goal is to make an assessment about the role and influence of current regional powers (Russia, Turkey, China) and to project the fu-ture role of western community in this new security environment.



Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Larres

Richard M. Krasno Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Director, Krasno Global Affairs and Business Council

Prof. Dr. Iulia-Sabina Joja

Georgetown University; Director of the Frontier Europe Initiative

Dr. Daniel S. Hamilton

Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor SAIS, Johns-Hopkins-University



Dr. Shushanik Minasyan

Research associate at CASSIS and postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

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