100 Days into the Biden Presidency

April 29, 2021, 6 p.m.

When US President Joe Biden entered the White House on January 20th, he came with an ambitious agenda: Fight the COVID-19 pandemic, push US economic recovery, overhaul global climate policy and reinvigorate transatlantic relations and security, only to name some of the biggest points.
After 100 days in office, Joe Biden has gotten several projects of the ground. Following up on his Predecessor’s Operation Warp Speed, it only took him about 50 days to fulfil his vow of 100 million vaccinations. Moreover, Biden signed a $1.9 trillion relief package in response to economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. He has also taken steps to rebuild transatlantic trust has pledged to reinitiate relations with the EU.

There are, however, many challenges that still need to be addressed: A wave of border crossings has led to humanitarian problems in overcrowded US facilities along the US-Mexico border. Racial and gun violence is still a huge issue across the nation. And reviving the transatlantic economic and security alliance will require more than statements of intents.

Dr. Josef Braml, research fellow at CASSIS, and Rachel Rizzo, adjunct fellow at the Center for a New American Security, will discuss President Biden’s first 100 days and prospects of his many days in office yet to come. The talk will be presented by the political journalist Florian Bauer.

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Dr. Josef Braml
Research fellow, CASSIS

Rachel Rizzo
Center for a New American Security


Florian Bauer
Political journalist (i.a. ARD and Phoenix)

Weitere Informationen

A cooperation between AmerikaHaus e.V. NRW, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and the Student Council “Politics & Sociology” of Bonn University.

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