Aberdeen & Bonn Global Conversation with Ali Tekin on the Decay of Democracy in Turkey, the Rise of Populism, and the Role of Religion in Public Life

April 28, 2021, 5:00 p.m.

Professor Ali Tekin is a former MP, representing the Democratic Left Party in the Turkish parliament. In 2002, Tekin served as representative of the Turkish Parliament in the EU Convention responsible for a Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. He also was a member of the Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Formerly serving as Professor and Vice Dean at Yaşar University and Bilkent University, Prof. Tekin is the author, most recently, of Shift to Productive Cycle: An Agenda for Turkish Transformation in an Era of Global Change. Focusing on the current problems of Turkish democracy, economy and foreign policy, it lays out an alternative path for the future.

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In cooperation with the Centre for Global Security and Governance of the University of Aberdeen.

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