The Aftermath of the Bundestag Election: New realities in German and European Politics

October 15, 2021, 14:30 - 16:00 p.m. CET

The results of the 2021 German federal election on September 26th represent not only a turning point for the German society but also a very important political juncture for German and European politics as Chancellor Angela Merkel is preparing to step down after leading Europe’s biggest economy for 16 years.
This time of political transition is everything but a minor affair since it involves a considerable reshuffling of the political composition of the Bundestag in Berlin, Germany’s parliament, as well as the formation of a new coalition government that will seek to both build on past policies and address the multiple remaining next to the pressing new challenges for the so-called European locomotive. The significance of the election moreover extends well beyond European politics and also affects the complex relationships Berlin has developed with the US, China and Russia and other regional key powers, therefore impacting national and multi-national responses to security and sustainability challenges the world is facing today.
This webinar aims to identify with experts on German political affairs first lessons that can be drawn from the election results as well as to discuss some of the main issues and priorities emerging the new Bundestag and the next German government need to address.

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This webinar will focus on three main dimensions:
1. Merkel’s legacy: progress and remaining challenges within Germany
2. Main priorities for Germany in the European arena
3. Germany as a global actor in a turbulent world

Invited experts:
Dr. Franco Delle Donne
Political Analyst, Blogger, Director "Epidemia-Ultra"

Domenec Ruiz Devesa (did not participate due to scheduling reasons)
Member of European Parliament (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)

David Henneberger
Head of Office Spain, Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Dr. Luicy Pedroza
Research Professor at the Center for International Studies of El Colegio de México, Associate Research Fellow at ILAS/GIGA

Dr. Rogelio Madrueño
Research Fellow, CASSIS

Weitere Informationen

In cooperation with the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit.
This event was held in Spanish.

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