German Foreign Policy and Strategic Change

Juli 10, 2020

Since the 1950s, the subject of nuclear weapons has been an integral part of the public debate. It gained new momentum during the presidency of Donald Trump, not least due to the dissolution of the Iranian nuclear deal and the announced withdrawal of the United States from the Treaty on Intermediate Range Missiles (INF). The discourse is also becoming increasingly explosive in Germany - especially when it comes to the question of the need for German nuclear weapons. Particularly with regard to strategic autonomy, taking into account America's declining willingness to stand up for European security interests and France's nationally designed nuclear weapons strategy. The preservation of Germany's nuclear sharing has recently led to extensive problems with the acquisition of a new fighter jet for the Bundeswehr and fuelled partisan conflicts of interest. Werner Sonne, long-time ARD correspondent and author, will address the question of Germany's need for nuclear weapons in the seminar "German Foreign Policy and Strategic Change".

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Online Event (Zoom)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie

Werner Sonne

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