The new U.S. National Security Strategy and its implications for International Security

15. Februar 2018

Lecture an discussion with

Prof. Dr. Charles Kupchan
University of Georgetown
Jan Techau
Director of the Europe Program of the German Marshal Fund

“The new U.S. National Security Strategy just doesn’t matter and it doesn’t tell you anything about how Donald Trump is going to act.” According to Kupchan, it is unlikely to influence Trump’s foreign policy in any meaningful way, but it should serve as a wake-up call, reminding Congress of the need to rethink national security.
Trump is not convinced of the advantages of the multilateral world order for the United States, which, in turn, intensifies the trend towards an archaic system like the one before 1941

U.S.-National-Security-Strategy-3 2.png

Weitere Informationen

In cooperation with DGAP Forum-NRW and kindly supported by the Stiftung für internationale Begegnung der Sparkasse in Bonn.

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