Dialogue Series „European Strategic Dialogue“

In Cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit1 and Leiden University2

The online series “European Strategic Dialogue” aims to examine the major issues of our current day and age touching upon European security - both the visible dynamics and the “invisible wars” (Thomas Gomart). It does so from a perspective that is both rooted in long history and characterized by “exploratory foresight” in order to gauge future geopolitical trends. Its aim is to reveal and explore the faultiness and crossroads of interest between France, Germany and the Netherlands. In doing so, the ESD discusses the conditions for a “strategic awakening” in Europe. 

The security policy landscape, both in Europe and beyond, has become increasingly complex and challenging. The continued Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, China's increased foreign policy assertiveness, and the complex positioning towards Russia of some major countries in the Global South are just a few examples. Europe has demonstrated significant unity in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine, and is cooperating closely. Although this is highly encouraging, some questions arise. Can Europe always depend on US engagement in and for Europe, especially considering potential pitfalls in the upcoming presidential and congressional elections? What should Europe do on its own, and what policies and resources does it require? 

These and more questions are part of the European Strategy Dialogue (ESD), jointly organized by the University of Bonn/CASSIS (coordinated by Ambassador ret. Dirk Brengelmann), the Institute of Security and Global Affairs/Leiden University (Dr. Nikki Ikani) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Brussels Office/Mr. Jeroen Dobber). In cooperation with Landry Charrier, Associate Fellow at SIRICE (Sorbonne, Paris).


Avatar Brengelmann

Dirk Brengelmann


Avatar Charrier

Dr. habil. Landry Charrier

In cooperation with

Avatar Fels

Dr. Enrico Fels

Avatar Schulze

Laurin Schulze


Past events of this dialogue series

Rallying the (Defense Industrial) Base – The Future of Europe’s Defense Industry7

07.03.2024 | 12:00 - 01:00 pm | online via Zoom

This panel focuses on the future of europe's defense industry. Amid a rapidly changing global security environment, Europe is under pressure to take more responsibility for its own security and in the protection of liberal democracies worldwide. For Europe to step up, there is an urgent need to bolster its defence industrial base. After thirty years of deprioritisation, the industry is now expected to boost production, create more synergies and develop new capabilities. This is important for Europe's new security architecture, but also to play a role in addressing the EU's geopolitical challenges. In response to the current wars and geopolitical crises, the EU has launched several initiatives to stimulate the joint development and procurement of arms and their provision to partners. Despite this clear signal, there remains a significant gap between ambition and reality. This discussion will address these European initiatives, identify remaining challenges and obstacles, and explore new ways to make Europe's defense industrial base fit for the future.


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS


Vassilis Theodosopoulos
Manager Security & Defence, ASD Europe

Ralph Thiele
CEO StratByrd consulting


Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Rallying the (Defense Industrial) Base – The Future of Europe’s Defense Industry

Redefining the EU-Poland Relationship: The Implications of the Polish Electoral Shift

Redefining the EU-Poland Relationship: The Implications of the Polish Electoral Shift8

18.12.2023 | 12:00 - 01:15 pm | online via Zoom

The outcome of the parliamentary elections in Poland signifies a potential shift in the EU-Poland relationship.
Poland’s commitment to European security and its role in the EU’s defense initiatives are crucial for the EU. Poland’s geography makes it a crucial player in Europe’s stability and security. This raises the question of how Poland’s new political direction will influence its role within the EU, and what the implications are for the EU member states in fostering and developing this relationship. In this new episode of the European Strategic Dialogue, we will explore these and other questions facing Poland and the EU at the dawn of this new leadership


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS


Rolf Nikel
German Ambassador (ret.) to Poland, Vice-President DGAP

Pierre Buhler
French Ambassador (ret.) to Poland

Dr hab. Renata Mieńkowska-Norkiene
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
University of Warsaw

Joep van Lit
PhD Candidate in Empirical Political Science
Radboud University


Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Navigating Strategic Connections between Europe and Asia9

09.10.2023 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm | online via Zoom

This panel focuses on the future of the strategic relationship between Europe and Asia. We recognize that China, as a prominent player, plays a significant role in this dynamic but want to keep our perspective broad. Which other actors might play a part in this strategic relationship and what to consider? We also want to gain insight into the expectations of the United States regarding Europe within this context - and what this entails for our policies


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS


Dr. Frans-Paul van der Putten
Senior Research Associate at the Clingendael Institute

Dr. Alice Ekman
Senior Analyst at European Union Institute for Security

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Junior-Professor of International Relations and Global Politics of Technology, CASSIS


Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Navigating Strategic Connections between Europe and Asia


Navigating the Changing Security Landscape in Europe10

23.02.2023 | 6:30 - 8:00 pm | online via Zoom

Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine has dramatically changed the security policy landscape in Europe. In reaction, the EU formally approved the Strategic Compass (March 2022) and NATO updated its core tasks with a new Strategic Concept (June 2022).


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS


Sébastien Lumet
Co-Founder of the Brussels Institute for Geopolitics

PD Dr. Antje Nötzold
Adjunct Professor, University of Chemnitz Associate Fellow at CASSIS

luliia Osmolovska
Director, GLOBSEC Kyiv
Senior Fellow, Ukraine Programme

Dr. Trineke Palm
Director of the Research Institute of the ChristenUnie
Lecturer at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Elie Tenenbaum
Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center


Jeroen Dobber
Head of the Global Security Hub at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Further Development of European Sovereignty in Security and Defence11

23.05.2022 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm | Ceremonial hall University Bonn | Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53113 Bonn

With its fourth edition, the European Strategic Dialogue series goes into the next round. What are the options for establishing greater European Sovereignty in light of recent events? Can the member states and Brussels overcome current obstacles in or to formulae a coherent and sustainable EU’s security and defense policy while securing and further strengthening the precious relationship with NATO? What needs to be done for the EU and its member states being more able to tackling the key strategic challenges of our times?

These and other questions will be addressed by high-ranking experts. 


Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz

Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS), Bonn University


H.E. Luis Vassy
Ambassador of France to the Netherlands

H.E. Ekkehard Brose
Ambassador and President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS)

Sophie Vériter
Doctoral researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University

Christiane Heidbrink
Research Fellow at the Center of Global Studies (CGS) and Head of Junge GSP Section Bonn


Ambassador (ret.) Dirk Brengelmann
Senior Fellow at CASSIS

Strategic Consequences of the War in Ukraine for Europe

Strategic Consequences of the War in Ukraine for Europe12

21.03.2022 | 15.00-16.30 pm | online via Zoom

On February 24th the looming crisis in Ukraine escalated: Regular Russian troops invaded Ukraine on multiple fronts, causing death, suffering and disaster in the process.


Dr. Roderick Parkes

Research Director of DGAP and Head of the Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies

Dr. Iulian Romanyshyn

Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, University of Bonn

Dr. Pierre Haroche

Research Fellow in European Security at the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM, Paris)

Dr. Nikki Ikani

Assistant Professor Intelligence & Security, Leiden University


Sophie Vériter

Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University

How to implement the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy13

15.12.2021 | 6:30 - 8:00 pm | online via Zoom

France, Germany, and the Netherlands – all of them have drawn up national Indo-Pacific strategies in recent years – played a key role in the EU’s effort to find a more decisive approach to this distant but vital region. However, it will now require more than a strong push from the three countries to ensure that the EU implements a long-term strategy in the Indo-Pacific. How to turn this strategy into reality, regarding the indifference of many member states?


Prof. Dr. Joachim Koops
Chair of Security Studies and Scientific Director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University


Dr. Antoine Bondaz
Research Fellow at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) and Associate Professor at Sciences Po Paris

Dr. Felix Heiduk
Senior Associate at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin


Sophie Vériter
Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

How to Implement EU'S Indo-Pacific-Strategy

A Strategic Compass guided by the Core

A Strategic Compass guided by the Core 14

09.11.2021 | 06:30 - 08:00 pm | online via Zoom

Launch Event of the lecture series “European Strategic Dialogue”

French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte recently delivered a joint statement on how to “strengthen Europe’s role as a global player” (31.08.2021). Is an internally increasingly stressed Union even capable of finding a common line with regards to strategic issues? Can the gap between idealistic aspirations and hard realpolitik, the division between the promotion of a human rights-based global order and a realistic and strategic pursuit of security interests – even in cooperation with questionable partners – be bridged? What can be the basis for strategic and determined engagement, which role could states like France, Germany and the Netherlands play, and what conditions have to be met so that the nebulous concept of ‘strategic autonomy’ materializes? These and other questions will be discussed from a Franco-Dutch-German perspective during the webinar.


Iris B. Müller
Programme Executive for North Rhine-Westphalia, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom


Luis Vassy
French Ambassador to the Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch
Vice Rector for International Affairs, University of Bonn


Prof. Dr. Joachim Koops
Chair of Security Studies and Scientific Director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University

Dirk Brengelmann
Former Ambassador of Germany to the Netherlands and Brazil, CASSIS, University of Bonn

Evelyne Grenèche
Ministry of the Armed Forces (French Republic), General Directorate of International Relations and Strategy


Sophie Vériter 
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Leiden University

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