"It is those undersea cables that represent a critical infrastructure in the field of cybersecurity. Undersea cables, according to the thesis of this essay, represent the digital Achilles heel of transatlantic security in the 21st century. Undersea cables are an understudied area of international relations. 97% of international data traffic and $10 trillion in daily financial transactions pass through undersea cables that span 1.2 million kilometers.1 Undersea cables are critical infrastructure, because nearly every communication passes over them; from business contracting to scientific publications to government business."
16. Dezember 2021
Cyber Achilles? On the Importance of Undersea-Cables in the 21st Century Cyber Achilles? On the Importance of Undersea-Cables in the 21st Century
Vladimir Stosic
Winning essay of the Young Transatlantic Initiative Essay Competition 2021 by Vladimir Stosic.
The Importance of Undersea-Cables
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