"WeChat, as China’s most popular social media application, has evolved significantly over the past decade. Its functions have extended beyond typical instant messaging features, becoming deeply integrated into various aspects of Chinese life. Consequently, its value as a research tool has gained recognition due to its vast reservoir of online data."
23. April 2024
Utilizing WeChat as a Research Instrument Utilizing WeChat as a Research Instrument
The Interplay Amongst Censorship Policies, Self-Censorship Behaviors, and Anti-Censorship Tactics on the WeChat Platform
Ningjie Zhu, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Forschungsprojekt "Infrastrukturen der chinesischen Moderne und ihre konstitutiven globalen Effekte", beleuchtet in einem Beitrag für die Universität Genf Chancen und Risiken der Nutzung von WeChat als Medium für ethnographisch orientierte Forschung.
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Profil von Ningjie Zhu
Forschungsprojekt "Infrastrukturen der chinesischen Moderne und ihre konstitutiven globalen Effekte"