30. Januar 2024

Students of the Master's programme "Strategy and International Security" on a field trip to Berlin Students of the Master's programme "Strategy and International Security" on a field trip to Berlin

From January 19 to 21, 2024, the students of the Master’s program “Strategy and International Security” went on a field trip to Berlin.

MSIS students are on a field trip to Berlin in January 2024.
MSIS students are on a field trip to Berlin in January 2024. © BwC
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Friday, January 19 2024:

The trip started with an early arrival in Berlin, where we were first invited to a meeting at the Ramer Institute – American Jewish Committee. Its Director Remko Leemhuis discussed the current situation in the Middle East with us and shared his personal experiences from his visits to Israel during the last year. The events on October 7th drastically changed the security landscape in Israel and the entire region. At the second stop at Table Media GmbH, its publisher Sebastian Turner offered us fascinating insights into the role of political journalism in the present. To what extent is strategic thinking in foreign policy also represented in the media and what changes need to occur in the future? The last stop of day was at the Berlin office of BwConsulting, where we heard a comprehensive presentation about the method of strategic foresight in consulting.


Saturday, January 20 2024

The following day, different speakers provided their expertise on different topics at the German Resistance Memorial Center. The first discussion was with Henrike van Megen, Desk Officer in the Security and Defense Policy Department in the FMoD, who addressed the current challenges NATO faces and the consequences of these challenges to the German Armed forces. Dr. Nicole Renvert delivered an in-depth analysis about Germany's current security challenges and its future role in the international system. After lunch break, Ambassador (ret.) Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven spoke about the different forms of Multinational Intelligence Cooperation and its development within NATO and the EU which concluded in a fruitful discussion.  During a guided tour through the Memorial Resistance center, the students learned about different groups involved in the resistance against the Nazi regime. The day ended with a lecture by Ambassador (ret.) Prof. Joachim Bitterlich about energy dependency and its geopolitical implications. To conclude the field trip, the students and Prof. Schlie watched the play “Prinz Friedrich von Homburg”, a modern production of the classic play by Heinrich von Kleist at the Schaubühne.

The Henry Kissinger Chair would like to thank all speakers and students for their active participation, which enables students to gain valuable insights into various substantive and professional areas that complement their academic education.

Publisher Sebastian Turner (Table Media GmbH) speaks about the role of political journalism.
Publisher Sebastian Turner (Table Media GmbH) speaks about the role of political journalism. © CASSIS

Find out more about the Master's program "Strategy and International Security" here1

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