21. August 2024

Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder at Phoenix der Tag on the state visit to Moldova Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder at Phoenix der Tag on the state visit to Moldova

In the Phoenix der Tag interview, Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder comments on Olaf Scholz's state visit to the Republic of Moldova.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz meets President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean for talks. It is the first bilateral visit by a German head of government to the former Soviet republic in twelve years. Moldova borders Ukraine and also fears becoming a victim of Russian aggression. This is also likely to be the main topic of the visit. It will also be about security policy support for one of the poorest countries in Europe and the country's aspirations to join the EU. The Chancellor is expected to make a statement at around 17:15.

Following the press conference: Assessments by Prof Andreas Heinemann-Grüder (expert in conflict research, CASSIS University of Bonn)

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