News Special Issue Call for Papers: From Automation to Autonomy: Human Machine Relations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Supervision of a Master's thesis in the fields of European science collaboration and international policy of research infrastructures Podcast: Episode 47 - Expensive prestige project - France's new aircraft carrier The Second Cold War: US-China Competition for Centrality in Infrastructure, Digital, Production, and Finance Networks Call for Papers! Funding success: Prototyping grant from the University of Bonn The Master's programme "Strategy and International Security" (MSIS) starts at the University of Bonn Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann: War with Hamas: What is the status of the "breakthrough of the century" between Saudi Arabia and Israel Lectures by Ulrich Schlie at the Cusanuswerk Academy on German Foreign Policy in Transition in Papenburg Signing of Collaborative Teaching Agreement between Centre for Migration Studies in Accra and CASSIS CASSIS Senior Fellow Dr. Katharina C. Cramer receives EXIST Women Scholarship from BMWK Obituary of Henry Kissinger DAAD-Policytalk with Ulrich Schlie: International scientific cooperation in the context of a national security strategy CASSIS congratulates Philip Nock and Frederik Schmitz on being awarded doctoral scholarships Ulrich Schlie in conversation with Berthold Graf von Stauffenberg at the Ruhr University Bochum Workshop on hybrid warfare Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie as speaker at the IABG Leadership Conference Congratulations! Third-party funding success for Prof. Dr. Heinemann-Grüder CASSIS employee Mando Gloger represents the University of Bonn at the Next Forum in Milan Summer School on "The Geography of Hunger in a Multi-Crisis World" in August < Previous 20 items 1 2 3 4 5 Next 20 items >
Special Issue Call for Papers: From Automation to Autonomy: Human Machine Relations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Supervision of a Master's thesis in the fields of European science collaboration and international policy of research infrastructures
The Second Cold War: US-China Competition for Centrality in Infrastructure, Digital, Production, and Finance Networks
Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann: War with Hamas: What is the status of the "breakthrough of the century" between Saudi Arabia and Israel
Lectures by Ulrich Schlie at the Cusanuswerk Academy on German Foreign Policy in Transition in Papenburg
DAAD-Policytalk with Ulrich Schlie: International scientific cooperation in the context of a national security strategy