Investing into the Future - Economic Strength as a Global Power Tool?

09. November 2017

Panel Discussion with

Dr. Werner Hoyer
President of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel
Professor of financial economics at the University of Bonn and member of the German Council of Economic Experts

Economic strength plays a central role in the diplomatic strategies of Germany and Europe. Economic interdependence can be a powerful force for maintaining international peace and security, fostering cooperation rather than conflict and competition. What is more, economic and financial actors, from the public and the private sector alike, play a critical role in the development of solutions to many global challenges, such as climate change and sustainable development. The EIB can be considered a „hidden treasure“ in this regard. After all, the often-overlooked bank invests some 80 billion dollars a year and is the world’s largest multilateral borrower and lender.


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