09. September 2022

Putin’s vision from the mountaintop Putin’s vision from the mountaintop

Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber erklärt, wie eine Rede des russischen Staatschefs in einem griechischen Kloster im Jahr 2016 den Schlüssel zur Erklärung liefert, warum sich Russland heute im Krieg befindet.

Ukraine © CASSIS
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In his article, Thomas Weber draws a line between Putin's speech on Mount Athos on 3 May 2016, an Orthodox monastic republic with autonomous status in Greece, and the causes of the Ukraine war. Even then, Putin expressed his vision for the future of Russia, with recourse to ancient traditions as well as the announcement to fight the nihilism of the West. The cause of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is thus not the actions of NATO, Weber concludes, but Putin's goal of reviving the Russian Empire.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber1 ist Professor der Geschichte und der Internationalen Beziehungen sowie Direktor des Centre for Global Security and Governance an der University of Aberdeen & Associate Fellow am Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies an der Universität Bonn.


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