The International Security Forum Bonn 2020 is a high-level international event to ensure a dialogue on contemporary topics of foreign and security politics. The goal of the International Security Forum is to ensure a debate between experts and practitioners, to identify vital aspects of a successful European foreign and security policy, and develop holistic strategical solutions for pressing challenges. This year's Forum will concentrate on the challenges posed by shifts in the transatlantic relations, discuss the findings of the Task Force “The Future of Transatlantic Relations”, evaluate the upcoming to the global geo-economic and geo-political challenges as well as those posed by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
02. März 2021
International Security Forum Bonn 2020 Report International Security Forum Bonn 2020 Report
The International Security Forum Bonn is a high-level international event to ensure a dialogue on contemporary topics of foreign and security politics. Find the 2020 report here.
ISFB 2020 Report
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