The Geopolitics of Water
15. Dezember 2020, 12-14 Uhr | Zoom
Climate change has become a threat multiplier that is exacerbating existing conflicts and is contributing to a shift in the global geopolitical landscape. With aridity due to climate change on the rise in many regions of the world, water is becoming of key importance. In regions where water is scarce and populations are growing, one of the greatest challenges will be to solve the current or coming water crises. Regions in Africa, South and Central Asia, South America and even Europe are increasingly feeling the impacts of water scarcity, be it for human consumption, in the agricultural sector or facing the complex water-energy-nexus challenge.
In countries already overflowing with political and ethnic tensions, or under significant economic strain, geopolitical issues are firmly linked to water usage and availability. Regions endowed with water abundance, on the other hand, are increasingly “weaponizing” their water resources for geopolitical ends. Who benefits, who stands to lose? What measures can be undertaken by various actors to reduce risks or exploit opportunities? What scenarios are likely over the mid to long-term?
This roundtable tackled these and other questions and took a closer look at the geopolitical issues arising from water scarcity or abundance. It provided participants with the opportunity to discuss with experts and gain insights on security, economic and other risks, but also opportunities, associated with changing water patterns and the strategies as well as adaptation and mitigation measures that are being considered by countries and other actors across the globe.
Ursula Heinen-Esser,
Minister for the Environment and Agriculture of NRW
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch,
Rector, University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Brahma Chellaney,
Center for Policy Research (New Delhi)
Jürgen Trittin,
Member of the German Parliament and the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Friedbert Pflüger,
CASSIS, University of Bonn