Dr. Joachim Weber in a guest article for Focus Online: ''German security policy is standing there with its trousers down. Putin's invasion of Ukraine showed that all too clearly. Our country is in no way seriously prepared for an emergency. What is now urgently needed militarily.''
The global challenges - climate change, global health, food and debt crises, as well as global power shifts and the crisis of multilateralism - are too multifaceted, too universal and too dynamic to be addressed by a largely defensive logic.
The USA is investing heavily in clean energies. It is high time for Germany and Europe to find an answer, says Friedbert Pflüger of Zukunft Gas in his position paper. Among other things, he suggests that the brakes on the European expansion of the hydrogen infrastructure should finally be lifted.
In this paper, Dr Iulian Romanyshyn and Dr Julian Bergmann provide an overview of how the EU has supported Ukraine so far, analyse priorities and challenges in the country's reconstruction and make recommendations for key stakeholders focusing on governance frameworks, financing mechanisms and security - development context.
Prof. Maximilian Mayer examines the background to the 20th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in the Tagesspiegel.
Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann and Dr. Landry Charrier in a guest contribution at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom on 17.10.22 on the topic 'Franco-German Perspectives on the European Political Community. A New Voice for a New Eastern Policy'.
Dr Hans-Dieter Heumann in an interview with Phoenix on 15.11.2022 on the G20 Summit and the tensions at the international level.
Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann and Dr. Landry Charrier in a guest article in the ipg-Journal on 11/17/22 on the topic 'On our own feet. Time for European sovereignty: despite joint support for Ukraine, Europe will not be able to rely on the U.S. in the long run.'