Dr. Moritz Brake - Sabotage Threat in the North Sea: "Peace is Over"
The security of critical infrastructure in the North Sea is increasingly coming into focus, following suspected sabotage incidents in the Baltic Sea. Dr. Moritz Brake, a security expert and co-founder of Nexmaris, discusses in an interview with NDR the potential dangers and challenges related to maritime security. In light of the growing threats from sabotage attacks, it is essential to address the vulnerable points in the North Sea.
Heinemann-Grueder zur USA und Russland
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk on February 17, 2025, Prof. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder analyzes the current geopolitical developments in the Ukraine conflict and the significance of the recent diplomatic talks between the USA and Russia. He highlights both the opportunities and risks arising from these negotiations, which could potentially represent a step toward a ceasefire or even future de-escalation.
Prof. Dr. Heinemann-Grüder - Discussion on European Troops in Ukraine
In a recent interview on the discussion about European troops in Ukraine, Andreas Heinemann-Grüder explores the challenges involved in securing a potential ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. The question of how and by whom this peace can be guaranteed remains unclear. In particular, the stance of European states and Russia's reactions will play a crucial role.
Heinemann-Grüder - "Peacekeeping Forces" in Ukraine: Good Idea or Not?
The idea of sending so-called "peacekeeping forces" to Ukraine has gained increasing attention in recent weeks. The United Kingdom has signaled its intention to deploy troops after a potential end to the war, in order to secure peace between Russia and Ukraine. But is this proposal realistic and meaningful? What challenges and opportunities would such an intervention bring?
Political scientist Prof. Heinemann-Grüder on the relations between the USA and Ukraine
The international relations and geopolitical strategies of great powers have always been a central topic in political analysis. Especially in the context of the Ukraine conflict, the relations between the USA and Ukraine have proven to be particularly complex and dynamic. While the conflict in Ukraine continues to challenge European security and the international order, the role of the United States plays a crucial part in supporting Ukraine and shaping the Western response to Russian aggression. Political scientist Prof. Heinemann-Grüder offers deeper insights into the strategic considerations and long-term implications of this relationship.
Dr. Frank Umbach – Europe is on the Sidelines in Ukraine Talks – Is a Dictated Peace Imminent?
The Ukraine conflict has increasingly attracted international attention in recent months, with diplomacy and military support from the West playing a crucial role. Particularly in regard to potential ceasefire negotiations and the influence of great powers such as the US and Russia, pressing questions are emerging. In an interview, political scientist Dr. Frank Umbach from the Cassis University of Bonn discusses the current developments and offers a critical perspective on Europe's role in the negotiations.
Joachim Weber in the RTL Nachtjournal: Putin's war of attrition is working – Ukraine will lose territories.
In an interview with the RTL Nachtjournal, Russia expert Joachim Weber discusses the latest developments in the Ukraine conflict and the geopolitical influence of President Vladimir Putin. Weber analyzes Putin's strategy, which aims at exhausting Ukraine, and provides an outlook on the future dynamics of the crisis, especially concerning the European and American stance.
Article by Dr. Moritz Brake in the FAZ - The seas are becoming a battleground.
In a world where global sea routes are indispensable for trade, energy supply, and communication, the ocean is increasingly becoming a strategic battleground. In light of growing threats from hybrid attacks and geopolitical tensions, particularly in relation to Russia, China, and other authoritarian actors, Europe is facing an urgent challenge. Dr. Moritz Brake, an expert in security and defense policy, highlights the need to strengthen Europe's maritime resilience in his guest article to secure maritime infrastructure and geopolitical stability.
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