Dr. Frank Umbach: Russia’s strategy to evade Western energy sanctions in Geopolitical Intelligence Services1
The more Russia decouples from the globalized system, the more it will try to evade Western sanctions by relying on illicit, unconventional and opaque trading schemes. Already during previous decades, Moscow falsified and cherry-picked economic, energy and climate-related data – often unchallenged by Western governments. Now these figures will become even less transparent, more dubious or will be classified as state secrets. Still, it is also becoming evident that sanctions alone will not stop President Putin’s aggression.  
Dr. Umbach: Security, vulnerabilities and protection of critical infrastructures as well as power supply security.5
The Chancellor's Power Word - Interview with Frank Umbach, Energy Expert
Dr. Frank Umbach zu weiteren Hilfen für die Ukraine im Phoenix-Interview am 24.10.226
In an interview with Phoenix on 24.10.2022, Dr Frank Umbach talks about further assistance for Ukraine, e.g. by helping to rebuild the destroyed energy infrastructure and economic cooperation. 
Dr Frank Umbach on energy policy in Phoenix interview on 15.11.227
In an interview with Phoenix on 15.11.2022, Dr Frank Umbach talks about German gas policy, security of supply in winter and the implications of importing liquefied gas. 
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder im Gespräch mit Phoenix am 24.10.22 zum Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine8
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in conversation with Phoenix on 24.10.22 on reconstruction in Ukraine, the ''new Marshall Plan'' and the 5th German-Ukrainian Economic Forum.
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