Frederik Schmitz in a podcast: “Wie politisch ist Unterwasserarchäologie?”1
Frederik Schmitz talks about how China is using underwater archaeology in the South China Sea for geopolitical purposes in the podcast "Zurück zum Thema".
Dr. Frank Umbach in a live interview with Welt/N242
Live interview on Welt/N24 with presenter Nele Würzbach on the results of the NATO summit.
Dr. Frank Umbach in a Phoenix interview on the NATO summit and the concluding press conferences3
Live interviews on Phoenix with Dr. Frank Umbach and moderator Bernd Rasem on the NATO summit and the concluding press conferences as well as on the classification of the results.
Dr. Frank Umbach in the radio interview "NATO-Beitritt der Ukraine: Historische Chance vertan" for WDR54
Radio interview for WDR5 with Dr. Frank Umbach and presenter Andrea Oster on the NATO Summit and the results of the 1st day of the NATO Summit.
Dr. Frank Umbach in an NTV interview on Day 1 of the NATO Summit in Vilnius5
Interview for the TV channel NTV with Dr. Frank Umbach and the moderator Gesa Eberl on the first day of the NATO Summit in Vilnius.
Guest commentary by Ulrich Schlie in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung6
Prof. Ulrich Schlie wrote a guest commentary on Germany's new security strategy for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Dr. Joachim Weber in an NTV interview on Selensky's state visit in Turkey7
Dr Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, talks about Selensky's state visit in Turkey.
Dr Joachim Weber in an interview with NTV: "Putin ist dabei, seine Macht wieder zu festigen"8
Dr Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow at CASSIS, talks about Putin's measures after Prigozhin's failed uprising.
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