04. Juli 2024

Young Leaders Summer Academy on "Climate change and Security" Young Leaders Summer Academy on "Climate change and Security"

The CASSIS and the ICI organised a Summer Academy for future decision-makers from the Middle East and Europe, focussing on the nexus of climate change and security.

The Young Leaders Summer Academy in Bonn.
The Young Leaders Summer Academy in Bonn. © CASSIS
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CASSIS joined the initiative of the Institute for International Cooperation, Technological Diplomacy and Communication (ICI) for a Young Leaders Summer Academy on "Climate change and Security" in Bonn. From June 21 to 24, young professionals from all over the world came together for an interdisciplinary exchange on the nexus of climate change and security policy in the MENA region.

The Middle East, a region suffering from severe turbulence, is particularly sensitive to worsening climate conditions. Peace and security will only be possible if a new generation emerges that is prepared to engage and address the common regional challenges together. We are happy to have welcomed so many bright minds and future decision-makers, sharing experiences and having in-depth discussions.

Fenja Wiluda ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Henry-Kissinger-Professur für Sicherheits- und Strategieforschung.

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