20. August 2021

As countries evacuate Kabul, China, Russia and Pakistan remain in Afghanistan — for now As countries evacuate Kabul, China, Russia and Pakistan remain in Afghanistan — for now

Unser Zentrumsratsmitglied Prof. Dr. Xuewu Gu gibt in einem aktuellen Artikel auf ABC News Einblicke in die Beziehungen zwischen China, Russland und der Taliban-Führung.

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While several countries are evacuating their embassies in Kabul and scrambling to get their citizens out of Afghanistan, there are three notable exceptions. 

Australia closed its embassy back in May, but China, Russia and Pakistan are staying put for now.

Afghanistan has geographical significance, positioned as a bridge between Asia and Europe, and all three countries have an interest in regional stability and want to avoid the country becoming a hotbed of extremism.

Afghanistan is also sitting on to $US1 trillion ($1.3 trillion) worth of mineral deposits, including rare earths and lithium, a scarce but vital part of phone batteries.

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