Dr. habil. Landry Charrier - Le Pen in the Sights of the Judiciary: Consequences for France's Political Future1
Amid political turmoil in France, the potential conviction of Marine Le Pen and its far-reaching consequences for the country’s political landscape are under scrutiny. The issue highlights the impact such a conviction could have on public trust in the judiciary and democratic institutions, and how this might affect Le Pen's political career as well as the strategic calculations of other political actors. At the core are the political struggles between various factions and the question of how domestic and foreign policy issues, such as pension reform and the Ukraine crisis, will influence French society and the political landscape.
Prof. Dr. Schlie: "Baerbock's Move to the UN is an Unusual Process"2
The planned move of Annalena Baerbock, the Green Party politician and current Foreign Minister of Germany, to become President of the UN General Assembly is causing a stir. This position rotates annually between the five world regions of the United Nations, and for 2026, Western Europe is next in line. Although the position is generally a routine matter, there is criticism in Germany as Baerbock had previously cited her desire to spend more time on her private life as the reason for stepping back from top politics. Additionally, the German top diplomat Helga Schmid was initially slated for the position. The swift change to support Baerbock is seen as a political maneuver, which experts are calling "unusual."
Prof. Dr. Schlie: Baerbock's Move to the UN General Assembly Sparks Criticism and Surprise3
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is expected to take on the presidency of the UN General Assembly, which is causing a stir in German politics. The position rotates annually between world regions, and currently, Western Europe is up. Baerbock's decision to take on this international role, despite having previously announced her intention to step back from top politics, has sparked criticism. The situation becomes particularly problematic because Helga Schmid had originally been designated as the candidate. Experts like Ulrich Schlie view the move as unusual, given that the German government is changing its decision just before Baerbock's political withdrawal.
Guest article by Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge - Germany's Security Policy of the Future4
The global security order is increasingly unstable, and Germany as well as Europe need to strengthen their foreign and security policy capabilities. In this context, the creation of a National Security Council is being discussed as a central measure to improve coordination between the various security-related sectors and to develop a coherent security strategy.
"High Position with Limited Powers" – Prof. Ulrich Schlie5
In international diplomacy, positions such as the President of the UN General Assembly play a significant yet often overlooked role. This article explores the function of this post, which rotates annually between the five world regions. Despite its high symbolic importance, the position lacks influence and prestige compared to other UN roles, such as that of the UN Secretary-General. This raises questions about the motivations of politicians nominated for this position, such as Annalena Baerbock. Her nomination as a potential President of the UN General Assembly, despite having previously announced her withdrawal from German politics, raises questions about her career prospects and the strategic direction of German foreign policy. In a broader context, the article reflects on the challenges and importance of high-ranking positions in international organizations, which, although carrying limited powers, still bear diplomatic responsibility.
Dr. Frank Umbach on Trump's phone calls at Phoenix6
The topic surrounding Donald Trump, Russian disinformation, and political credibility is currently of great importance. Especially in the context of geopolitical tensions, international relations, and the spread of misinformation, the question arises as to how deeply leading politicians like Trump are involved in these dynamics. Trump's role in spreading Russian disinformation and his often contradictory political positions—such as those concerning the deportation of children—raise serious doubts about the authenticity of his political agenda. At the same time, the hope for a ceasefire in various conflicts remains, but many experts and observers agree that it has not yet been achieved with certainty. In this context, the credibility and responsibility of heads of state and their actions on the international stage are continually scrutinized.
Dr. Antje Nötzold on space infrastructure at the Tagesschau7
The topic addresses the need for Europe to invest more in its space infrastructure to increase its independence from the USA. Given the growing importance of space technologies for both military and civilian applications, it is emphasized that Europe must invest more in the development of its own rockets, satellites, and systems in order to strengthen its competitiveness and become more independent in security-related matters.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder in an interview with ARD: "Putin wants to buy time"8
Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is pursuing an increasingly pragmatic and calculated strategy in his approach to Ukraine. For a long time, he held on to the belief that he could work closely with U.S. President Donald Trump. However, this view has since changed. Putin recognizes that Trump is no longer his sole ally and is adjusting his tactics accordingly. His goals in Ukraine and on the international stage seem clearer and more determined – he is seeking ways to resolve the conflict on his own terms.
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/dr-habil-landry-charrier-marine-le-pen-in-the-sights-of-the-judiciary-consequences-for-frances-political-future
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/prof-dr-schlie-baerbocks-move-to-the-un-is-an-unusual-process
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/prof-dr-schlie-baerbocks-wechsel-zur-un-generalversammlung-sorgt-fuer-kritik-und-ueberraschung
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/deutschlands-sicherheitspolitik-der-zukunft
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/hoher-posten-mit-wenig-befugnissen-prof-ulrich-schlie
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/umbach-zu-trumps-telefonaten-bei-phoenix
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/antje-noetzold-zu-raumfahrtinfrastrukturen-bei-der-tagesschau
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions/prof-dr-andreas-heinemann-grueder-im-interview-beim-ard-putin-will-zeit-schinden
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=8
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=16
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=24
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=32
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=40
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=48
- https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/en/media-contributions?set_language=en&b_start:int=552