Europe’s Future Orders – Europe in Future International Orders

16. November 2023 | Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn

Europe is once again facing a crossroads: Will it lose importance in the face of the global changes and shifts in power that have been evident for some time now, or will it be able to gain influence on future regional and international orders once again?
Much depends crucially on whether the states in Europe, predominantly organized in the European Union and NATO, can agree on common interests and objectives in the face of global dynamics. On a common basis, they could, alongside the U.S. and China, bring to bear their own strategic ideas about future regulatory frameworks.
The launch conference for the new CASSIS research framework will explore future challenges for Europeans. The following questions and aspects will be considered:
- To what extent do EU members need to fundamentally realign EU structures and policies in light of the new framework (including flexibilization, partial membership, neighborhood policies)?
- How will the potentially suitable states change their patterns of cooperation and action in the sense of joint leadership for the benefit of Europe?
- How do Europeans want to actively shape their relationship with external partners in the future in terms of their own strategic interests?
- What role can Europeans still play in reshaping the future international order in line with their preferences for multilateralism and Western democratic values?
Binding reservation is requested by 8.11.23 to



November 16, 2023

09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 09:40

Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz (CASSIS/University of Bonn)

09:40 - 10:40

Session I:
Europe’s Future Institutional Order – EU 30+, EPC, or Core Groups of the Willing
Key questions:
What future role for EU27, the new enlarged format “EPC”, core grops inside EU/ouside EU, more differentiation?
·      Prof. Dr. Andreas Marchetti (UoPaderborn)
·      Dr. Domenica Dreyer-Plum (CASSIS)
·      Dr. Tomasz Łukaszuk (University of Warsaw)
Commentator: PD Dr. Landry Charrier (DLR-PT): Perspectives on Future Institutional Structures in Europe
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz (CASSIS)

10:40 - 11:45

Session II:
Europe’s Future Security Order

Key questions:
How to (re)construct a security order in Europe/for Europe, together with the US, against Russia?

·      Dr. Iulian Romanyshyn (CASSIS)
·      Vanessa Vohs (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
·      Prof. Dr. Juris Pupcenoks (AIA-NRW/Marist College, NY)
·      Julian Plottka (University of Bonn)

Commentator: Prof. Dr. Rafal Ulatowski (University of Warsaw): Perspectives on Future Security Structures in and for Europe

Moderation: Amb. Ret. Dirk Brengelmann (CASSIS)

11:45 - 12:15

Coffee break

12:15 - 13:30

Session III
Future Roles for European Powers – National Aims, Perspectives for Cooperation and Leadership

Key questions:
What national conceptions, cooperation ideas, concepts of bi-/trilateralism, and (co-) leadership ambitions do exist in key countries?

·      Amb. ret. Dr. Hans-Dieter Heumann (CASSIS): Germany
·      PD Dr. Landry Charrier (DLR-PT): France
·      Prof. Dr. Marcej Ras (University of Warsaw): Poland
·      Philipp Tüngler, KAS-Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitik (tbc)

Commentator: Prof. Dr. Karsten Jung (Düsseldorf/Brühl),  
Perspectives on EU Big Power Relations

Moderation: Dr. Maysoun Zein Al Din (AIA-NRW)

13:30 - 14:30 

Lunch break

14:30 - 16:00

Session IV
Europe and the New International Order (Part I) – Europe and Key Regions: Expectations, Concepts, Strategies
Key questions:
What ideas do Europeans have for future cooperation with neighbourhood regions in the east and in the south, and with key regions in the Indo-Pacific?

·      Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder (BICC/CASSIS): EU-Eastern Europe
·      Dr. Maysoun Zein Al Din (AIA-NRW): Middle East/Mediterranean
·      PD Dr. Julian Bergmann (IDOS): Africa
·      Dr. Moritz Brake (CASSIS): Maritime dimensions
Commentator: Dr. Joachim Weber (CASSIS): Future Inter-Regional Relations (and Europe’s part)
Moderation:  Amb. ret. Dr. H.-D. Heumann (CASSIS)

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 18:00

Session V:
Europe and the New International Order (Part II) – Europe and Global Powers: Partners, Rivals, Competitors?

Key questions:
What ideas do Europeans have for future relationships with global and emerging powers (and adversaries)? What are main interests of those powers?

·      Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer (CASSIS): China
·      Vivek Anand (AIA-NRW/New Delhi): India
·      PD Dr. Stephan Klingebiel (IDOS): Indo-Pacific nations
·      Dr. Simon Kardas (University of Warsaw): Russia
·      N.N. (KAS)
Commentator: Dr. Frank Umbach (CASSIS): Perspectives on Europe’s Global Power Relations
Moderation: Dr. Enrico Fels (CASSIS)

18:00 - 18:30

Concluding discussion:
Clear Perspectives or ‘Gordic Knot’? What Next for Europe?
·      Results of Sessions
·      Evaluation of  the conference focus
·      Future Workshops
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz (CASSIS)


End of Conference

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