Clean hydrogen has the potential to help reduce carbon emissions, especially in sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as heavy manufacturing and energy-intensive industries like steel or chemicals. It is also emerging as a key solution for electricity storage, addressing the intermittency issues of wind and solar energy. Currently, however, its primary use is in traditional refining and industrial applications. It is mostly produced using fossil fuels, offering no real and sustainable climate benefits.
15. September 2023
The Future of Global Hydrogen The Future of Global Hydrogen
Dr. Frank Umbach
Dr. Frank Umbach, Leiter des Europäischen Cluster für Klima-, Energie- und Ressourcensicherheit (EUCERS), diskutiert in der Fachpublikation "Geopolitical Intelligence Services" die Zukunft von globaler Green-Hydrogen-Technologie.
Universität Bonn
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