06. September 2023

Lectures by Ulrich Schlie at the Cusanuswerk Academy on German Foreign Policy in Transition in Papenburg Lectures by Ulrich Schlie at the Academy of the Cusanuswerk on German Foreign Policy in Transition

Ulrich Schlie opened the Academy of the Cusanuswerk with a lecture on the topic "Auf glattem Parkett. German Foreign Policy in Transition" on 5 September 2023 in Papenburg.

Veranstaltung Cusanuswerk
Veranstaltung Cusanuswerk © Cusanuswerk
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In Papenburg, Ulrich Schlie discussed with 80 scholarship holders under the title "Auf glattem Parkett. German Foreign Policy in Transition" about the international framework of German foreign policy. What can remain? What will change? What influence do climate, the global economy, social change, crises and armed conflicts have on the future of German foreign policy? Where do we need to adapt our instruments and break new ground in the future?

Ulrich Schlie is director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and Henry Kissinger Professor of Security and Strategic Studies at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology.

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