Unused potential? Possibilities for the Bundeswehr to shape all-German resilience

Monday, 13 June 2022, 6 -7:30 pm | Haus der Bildung, Mülheimer Platz 1, 53111 Bonn, Raum 1.11

In a memorable Bundestag session on 27 February 2022, Chancellor Olaf Scholz described a "turn of the times" and announced a special fund of 100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr. In the public debate, this has since drawn a wealth of interpretations and discussions for a possible reorientation of German foreign and security policy. The fact that the Bundeswehr must now primarily be equipped rather than upgraded is a much-discussed topic.
What options are now open to the Bundeswehr to ensure national and alliance defence? How must the Bundeswehr's potential be deployed in order to be able to work effectively towards an all-German resilience? What role does society's fundamental relationship to German soldiers play in this?
Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, Inspector of the Armed Forces Base in the Bundeswehr, will get to the bottom of these and other questions in a lecture and subsequent discussion with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie, Henry Kissinger Professor for Security and Strategy Research. 


18:00 Uhr Welcome:

Fenja Wiluda

Research Associate at the Henry Kissinger Professorship for Security and Strategic Studies at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, University of Bonn

18:15 Uhr Lecture:

Generalleutnant Dipl.-Kfm. (univ.) Martin Schelleis

Inspector Armed Forces Base, German Armed Forces

18:45 Uhr afterwards in discussion with:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie

Henry Kissinger Professor of Security and Strategic Studies and Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, University of Bonn

19: 00 Uhr Q&A

Further information

In cooperation with the Volkshochschule Bonn.

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