© Tom Wiegels/CASSIS
Tom Wiegels
Research Assistant (Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer)
E-Mail: twiegels@uni-bonn.de
Address: Römerstraße 164, D-53117 Bonn, Room 4.023
Tom Wiegels is studying Political Science and Sociology with a minor in Economics in the Bachelor of Arts Program at the University of Bonn. He is currently working with Dr. Katharina C. Cramer and Nicolas Rüffin on an impact analysis of the ReMade@ARI project.
Research interests
Research Infrastructures | Technology Policy | International Political Economy
Research Projects
- ReMade@ARI – REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures (HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions, September 2022-August 2026)