Ein Küstenland auf Schlingerkurs Der deutsche Schiffbau zwischen Weltklasse und Untergangsszenarien

25 June 2024 | 06:15-07:45, p.m | Lecture Hall VII, Main Building, University of Bonn

German shipbuilding has been in a permanent crisis for decades and yet is constantly reinventing itself, with varying degrees of success. Mass shipbuilding has completely disappeared, but maritime cores survive in niches of special shipbuilding. Military shipbuilding presents a mixed picture: submarine builders are world-class and continue to enjoy success, while gray surface shipbuilding has suffered many setbacks. However, the Ukraine war and the slow awakening of politicians seem to have given it a chance to reanimate itself just in time. Where we stand, what we are doing wrong and what we could do better is explained in more detail as one of our special German maritime challenges.



Dr. Joachim Weber, Senior Fellow Strategic Foresight and Risk Analysis, CASSIS - Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies, Bonn

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